Spring blooms are beginning to show themselves across the borderlands. Spring blooming flowers are not only beautiful but important to the pollinators who are also waking up or migrating through.
Including some of these early bloomers in your landscape makes for a hospitable and nectar-rich environment to support wildlife while creating a colorful display. Here are a few of our favorites to establish early spring blooms in your landscape.

Penstemon eatonii, or Firecracker Penstemon, grows in woodland and conifer forest habitats between 2000-7000 ft. This forb has bright red, tubular flowers that bloom from February-June and is loved by hummingbirds and butterflies. The firecracker penstemon can grow to be about 3ft tall and has medium water requirements. Plant in partial shade to full sun. Transplants well and reseeds readily.

Penstemon pseudospectabilis, or Desert Beardtongue, is a native forb with reddish-green foliage and bright pink flowers that can be found in woodland habitats between 2000-7000 ft. It grows to be about 2 ft tall with medium-low watering requirements and blooms between March-June. The stalks of tubular, pink flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Plant in partial shade to full sun. Transplants well and reseeds readily.

Stachys coccinea, or Scarlet Betony, is a perennial, aromatic mint that grows up to 2 ft tall in riparian canyon and woodland habitats between 1500-8000 ft. The scarlet, tubular flowers bloom from January-November and are pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies, and native bees. Plant in partial shade to full sun in moist soil.

Landscaping with southern Arizona native plants species helps restore important habitat and nectar sources and can meet any landscaping need. The color pallets and textures to work with are plentiful. Native plants are water-wise and easy to grow and maintain. Establish these perennial plants in your landscape and be rewarded with early spring blooms and the pollinators that love them every year! Check out our early spring blooms collection here.
Visit our online store to shop our current selection of native plants, trees, grasses, shrubs, cacti, succulents, and seeds!
Check back often during the growing season as we add new plants and make sure to shop our special events, open Saturdays, and order ahead delivery options on select dates in several borderlands communities.